What I can do now


I'm really bad at business, and in the past I've been fooled by various complicated things.

Just creating things doesn't make money. I'm fine with one loaf of bread and one bottle of instant coffee every day. My elderly parents are worried.

I sometimes like to call myself a cake buffet, and I haven't been eating much meat lately.

I always eat only my favorite pasta (because it's cheap). That's why I sincerely believe that you will bring some new changes to my artistic activities. That's why I created this document. Maybe it's my happiness now.


Mojo AI

leonardo AI

Canva AI






Badges and skills that can be used
  • Junior high school level 2 social

  studies/physical education teacher license holder

  • Canva official creator
  • Mojo AI Official Ambassador
What I can do now



Woman Wearing Orange Jumpsuit While Holding Hat




I am the first official Canva creator in Japan. I have been using Canva for 6 years. I am familiar with all aspects of Canva.


Can What you can do and what you can't do People worry about the choices. But what can you do? No one can stop me from facing

Our Product

1. Creative Expert & Educational Facilitator

2. Community & Event Manager

3. AI technical advisor & implementation support

4. Multimedia content producer

5. Skill Development Facilitator

photo:   @mojo AI

design   @Canva

PV:    @Kaiber


Converting curiosity into the unknown

More than 20 years of experience in Photoshop Learning Canva Inviting people to AI-generated communities Holding presentations and seminars Exploring drawers from AI-generated skills A gathering of curiosity Bringing out various diversity Turning the unknown into a “visible form” As an artist Expressing is my root and soul.

The Fusion of Technology and Creativity

The Changes in the Music Industry Brought by AI

The Role of AI in the Creative Process

A New Frontier in Music Creation

The rise of AI in the music industry is bringing innovative changes for both artists and listeners. As creativity is reinvented by technology, we are stepping into a world of beautiful music like never before. The collaboration between AI and artists brings a new breath and revolution to the eternal art form of music.

- Building a unique sound world through AI-generated and edited tones.

- Creation of unpredictable harmonies and melodies through analysis of music theory using algorithms.

- Production of more refined sound quality in music through automated mixing and mastering.

Forming a new collaborative relationship between AI and artists for the future

1. Creative Expert & Educational Facilitator

Possible roles include producing creative content for educational communities and projects, and hosting workshops and seminars on content production using Canva and Mojo AI. Responsibilities include producing high-quality visual content, sharing skills and improving members' creative abilities, and providing a place for learning.

Badges and skills that can be used
  • Junior high school level 2 social

  studies/physical education teacher license holder

  • Canva official creator
  • Mojo AI Official Ambassador


7500 follow

2. Community & Event Manager

It is possible to plan, manage, and implement community events, collaborate with official Mojo AI events, etc. On the other hand, share the success of the announcement event and improve member engagement.

Strengthening collaboration between diverse communities and AI can be spread across SNS with a total audience of just under 7,500 people.

Facebook: Less than 2000 Instagram: Less than 1000 X (Twitter) Less than 4000 Blog and other media followers less than 1500

4. Multimedia content producer


Your role will include the production of video, image and text content, and the strategic use of multimedia content. Responsibilities include producing and deploying impactful media content and maximizing content marketing results.

By combining skills and realizing them, we share a multi-platform combination with each client.

Your role will include providing training sessions on tools such as Canva Mojo AI SunoAI Kaiber and developing creative skills development programs. Your responsibilities include supporting the upskilling and professional development of members, and sharing and amplifying their content creation abilities within the community.

We believe that by fulfilling these roles and responsibilities, we can maximize the talent skillset and commitment of individuals and small businesses. We also place emphasis on artist activities that match user expectations and can be expected to create further value through collaboration with other members.

5. Skill Development Facilitator


We want you to summarize your skills concisely and clearly, provide specific examples of your roles and responsibilities, and actively share your opinions and questions.

I hope with new love that we can deepen mutual communication and create even more value.

This proposal is to make the most of my skill set and commitment, and specifically summarizes the content of the slides in a concise and easy-to-understand way.

I want you to support me as a partner by providing specific examples of future roles and responsibilities and by paying attention to things like actively listening to your opinions and questions.

Where should I start?

Not Need?

I graduated from a junior college, but I'm not good at speaking English while listening, but I can translate and read out loud while chatting.

I can communicate through chat.

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